Łukasz Hawryłko

About me
I am working for NordSecurity for a year. Since I started my first job 10 years ago I was working as low level developer, creating software for different platforms from low power sensors up to x86 servers. I am mostly experienced in C programing, but recently I am extensively learning Rust. I am a person who is widely open to discover new technologies, I like not to be limited to only one area of expertise. Because of different scale of companies that I was working (from startup to big corporation) I have experience in being the only guy that drives whole product and in being just a small gear in a big machine.
Field I am working in
IT & Development
First name
Last name
Number of Mentees
Nord Security
Role within organization
Senior Low Level Developer
Skills that I want to share
Software architecture
Tech leader
It's first time I'm becoming a mentor at the TesoXchange program